Submission Guidelines

Completed manuscripts

We will not consider manuscripts that are currently on submission to another publisher.

You must own the copyright to the work.

Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form, either text files or RTF files. If it’s RTF, keep the formatting to a minimum (just bold or italic where appropriate, no underlining), set in Ariel 12 point – don’t use different typefaces or sizes for the text, or weird indents or tabs. Coloured text is a complete no-no! No headers, footers or page numbers.

The manuscript should be of professional quality, fully polished and without obvious grammar or spelling errors.

The manuscript should include your legal name and penname, street address and email contact information on the first page.

The covering email should give your legal name and penname, and street address. Our response will be sent to the email address you use to send us the manuscript.

Manuscripts can be emailed to: [email protected].

We will respond with an email acknowledging receipt of the manuscript. We will endeavour to read your manuscript within two months and give you a decision.

If we do not wish to pursue your book any further then we will let you know, but we may not be able to provide an in-depth analysis as to why. Please do not assume that a rejection means that your book is not good enough. It could simply be that it doesn't fit with our list, or that we already have something similar on our list or in the pipeline.

More Guidelines

Book proposals

Reprints of out-of-print works


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