The Game in Wall Street and how to play it

by Clem Chambers

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Also by Clem Chambers:

Trading Cryptocurrencies

ADVFN's Be Rich

The Death of Wealth

Letters to my Broker

ADVFN Guide: 101 Ways to Pick Stock Market Winners

ADVFN Guide: A Beginner's Guide to Value Investing

The Game in Wall Street by Clem Chambers

As the new century dawned, Wall Street was a game and the stock market was fixed. Ordinary investors were fleeced by big institutions that manipulated the markets to their own advantage and they had no comeback.

The Game in Wall Street shows the ways that the titans of rampant capitalism operated to make money from any source they could control. Their accumulated funds gave the titans enormous power over the market, and allowed them to ensure they won the game.

Traders joining the game without knowing the rules are on a road to ruin. It’s like gambling without knowing the rules, and with no idea of the odds.

The Game in Wall Street sets out in detail exactly how this market manipulation works and shows how to ride the price movements and make a profit.

And guess what? The rules of the game haven’t changed since the book was first published in 1898.  You can apply the same strategies in your own investing and avoid losing your shirt by gambling against the professionals.

Illustrated with the very first stock charts ever published, the book contains a new preface and a conclusion by stock market guru Clem Chambers which put the text in the context of how Wall Street operates today.

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